Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bell Pepper???? Anyone????

                                                                                               Bellpepper is not a popular ingredient                                                                                       
 our dinner table because    only a few of us know the nutrients that we can get from this fruit... Yes bellpepper is a fruit.

Capsicum annuum, Solanaceae

The fruit of a plant originally from Latin America, bell pepper (or "sweet pepper") is a more or less fleshy pod enclosing a quantity of whitish seeds in its internal cavity. There are several varieties, with different shapes, colors and tastes.
The green pepper is picked before reaching full maturity, as green peppers left on the vine turn yellow, then red as they ripen.
The purple, brown and black peppers turn green again if they are left on the plant.
The red and orange peppers are the sweetest. Bell peppers ripened on the plant are sweeter and more perfumed.

red and green peppers

excellent source: vitamin A and C (especially red peppers).

good source: potassium.

Contain: vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Properties: stomachic, diuretic, stimulant, digestive and antiseptic.